Vision: To provide healthier solution for better Eye and ENT care.
Mission: We are focused on delivering best Eye & ENT care medications.
Our Values
- To achieve customer satisfaction as our basic approach towards business.
- To harness mutually beneficial relation with our business partners.
- To be ethically responsible corporate unit.
- To help our employees reach maximum height.
Incorporation: Incorporated with ROC under registration No U24231 DL 2003 PTC 118652 on 27th January 2003.
Our Business: Sapient Laboratories is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in EYE and ENT medications.
Directors: Mr. S.M. Bhat
Mr. R.P. Singh
Mr. P.L. Verma
Ms. Anita Shahi
Our Presence: Operational in twelve states-Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, J&K, Chandigarh, Himachal Pardesh, Punjab, Odisha and Bihar
Company Identification Number: U24231DL2003PTC118652
Registered Office: Sapient Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., LSC, DDA Market, E-block, Vikaspuri, New Delhi-110018